Flourless Chocolatey cake


I am feeling so tired these 2 days. One week never go gym,  and I feel so lethargy easily. It’s Children’s Day today, so decided to make something light and cute for my chocolatey cravings. Zann doesn’t want to eat ..oh well.



almond flour 60g (Almond blended into powder)
castor sugar 60g
cocoa powder 8g
corn flour 5g
baking powder 1g
baking soda 1g
salt 1/4tsp
whipping cream 45g
Egg white 74g
melted butter (for brushing the silicon mould)

Pour whipping cream into a sauce pot and boil over low heat till it turns brown. Set aside to cool down. In another bowl, add the flour mixture together. Add in egg white. Mix well. Add in the whipping cream. Combine. Pour the batter into piping bag and piped into the silicon mould. Bake at 180C for 10mins.


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